Monday, October 5, 2009

OCTOBER - - - - - My Birthday Months

My Birthday month started on October 1st, and
my pfoderie Donna was taking me out that evening.

But not to get ahead, that morning she got me two long
sleeve polo shirts, Swiss German cool body wash,
more sudoku books and of course some Swiss Lindt
hazelnut chocolate bars, accompanied with a very personal
computer generated sexy birthday card. I can not and will not
share on this blog.

During that day I received lots of happy birthday wishes
from all over the world via e-mail and face book, what made
me feel pretty good.

Like I said, that night Donna toke me to little Tokyo for dinner.
The Sashimi and the 34 assorted sushi rolls we ordered
where great tasting and had a delightful distinguished individual
flavor from tuna, salmon, crab, scallops and yellow tail. The
freshness of all the food was incredible. Service was excellent
and very friendly.

 The dinner was topped off with a small wrapped ice cream
with a candle, and this without being ordered!

It is with out saying I had a fantastic 66th Birthday. Thank you!


But wait, it's not over.  Birthday weekend is coming up.

On Friday Oct 2nd I went to play golf with Daniel and
Eric. Our mistake, (this is my excuse), tee time was 7:30 AM.
Way to early for all of us. We played pretty bad and I have
nothing to add to this.

Later that day Donna and I picked up the Boys from school,
and spent the rest of the evening with Windy, Jacob and Lucas.

Saturday--- the Day of the big Party!!
In the evening, family and friends came over to our house for
food and drinks.

 The Arrivals

Daniel and Gina                                                                   Joe and Sara

Brian and Windy                                                               Eric and Karla

Jacob and Luke                                                                  Jack

                                                                     The Old Boy Teddy

 Daniel and Gina provided the excellent Carnitas we all enjoyed,
and Windy contributed with a nice tasty Birthday cake for dessert.

 Sara and Joe brought some delicious barbecue Pockets 
for our Appetizers and Karla and Eric provided 
wonderful late night snacks.

Ones again I was on the receiving end of birthday gifts.
From a 100 piece socket set, so I can fix my Lawn mower
without Brian’s help, to a Lottery ticket ( I ended up
winning $6.00 with two Power balls and unfortunately no other
numbers with it),and a giant monitor so I can see all the
mistakes on my blog better.

 The kids played pool and Hula Hoop competition, while we all played  darts
and a card game, so difficult that one person had to
forfeit the game because of exhaustion.

Do not forget, today is also my one year smoke free anniversary!!
This was my prize.

They're both getting ready for the Party

This are all beautiful people

Brian where are you?

Eric in the center of attention.


 As you see, Daniel was overwhelmed from this difficult card game.

I felt sorry for the people who had to drive home
that night, but I was happy when I went to sleep after midnight.


  1. Great post! It was a fabulously fun evening! At least Daniel was rested after his short power nap to awake to play a new game...552 card pickup! Can't wait for the next family/friend fun celebration! ;0)


  2. Some things never change. Your house is always the center of fun and excitment. I wish we lived closer:-)--Jennifer
